Book of British Luxury

'Through Adversity to the Stars': Introducing the new Walpole Yearbook

The Walpole Yearbook celebrates the dawn of a new post-pandemic era, and takes a look at luxury’s next boom with essays from Esquire’s Alex Bilmes, ELLE UK’s Farrah Storr, The Economist’s Tom Standage, Sasha Slater from The Telegraph and other leading luxury commentators. It also marks the qualities that make Britain’s luxury brands amongst the most resilient in the world, focusing on their unparalleled sense of community, collaboration and shared innovation.
2nd Sep 2021
Book of British Luxury 'Through Adversity to the Stars': Introducing the new Walpole Yearbook

Wednesday 1st September saw the launch of the 2021-22 Walpole Book of British Luxury at The Londoner in Leicester Square - the capital's newest 5-star hotel - which welcomed Walpole members ahead of its official opening (and the Walpole Summit) on Monday. For the hotel's first-ever event - and Walpole' first in-person get together in 18 months - guests enjoyed Chapel Down English sparkling wine and cocktails from current Walpole Brand of Tomorrow Eight Lands, as well as speeches from Walpole's Helen Brocklebank and The Londoner's Charles Oak. The book was introduced with a short film by Allied Content, and the room was dressed to reflect its cover by Moriarty Events, using flowers from Wildabout.

This year's Book cover was created by Sabina Savage (click here for an interview with Sabina), designed by Nous, with papers from G . F Smith and printed by Pureprint

Click here to read the book online and scroll down to see full images from the event courtesy of Adam Duke Photography. Walpole members, get in touch for your copy.


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