Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Isabel Stewart: It takes a lot of willpower, that’s for sure. I have a 'no electronics in the bedroom' rule, so that stops me looking at emails first thing in the morning or late at night, at least. For the first time in my career I have had a separate work phone, here at Walpole, so that is definitely helping too. When it’s after hours, I now put that phone away knowing that if it’s urgent, someone can ring me on my personal. However, I’m still learning when on holiday. I struggle not to check emails when I'm away, even if it’s just to delete the spam emails and keep an eye out for anything urgent. I struggle to relax if I am completely detached.
What’s one thing you do after the workday to help you unwind?
This changes depending on my mood and what’s happened on the day. Either a mindfulness exercise on Calm, changing into my lounge wear, taking my dog for a walk, painting, having a hot bath with lots of bubbles or gaming. If it’s really bad... screaming into a pillow!
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
Riding, without any question. Horseriding completely relaxes me and detaches me from any thinking. Other than that, just being outdoors. I used to hike a lot, but due to injuries had to stop – so even just small walks in Richmond Park with my fiance and dog are invaluable.
What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
Elizabeth’s Days podcast How to Fail always has some unexpected gems that have really helped with my professional life and mindset.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?
The yard! If my partner would let me, I would set up a hammock in the stable.
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
Create a to-do list for my personal admin, watch the F1 and spend time with family. I also try – and mostly fail – to get an early night!
Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?
My theatre play! I had a 4-show run as the female lead in a thriller recently and it was surreal to leave work life at 5pm and be on stage at 7.30pm in front of an audience.
Your go-to Out of Office outfit: In winter, an oversized jumper, leggings, boots and some gold jewellery. In summer, a flowy comfy dress, ideally with cowboy boots or slip-ons.
Your happy place anywhere in the world: Morocco. I have been seven times so it feels like my second home now.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: The French Table in Surbiton or Azou in Chiswick (order the Merguez Cous Cous) , when I’m missing Morocco!
Something you booked recently that you'd recommend: Not just one thing, but booking tickets to local theatre to see new, independent writing. I absolutely love seeing independent plays and discovering what people are writing about now. Independent theatre is like a reflection of society's feeling in this exact moment.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: I’m late to the show here, but started listening to Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett and it does have an amazing, eclectic mix of interviewees.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: This is niche, but horseback archery or combat.
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: Considering the price of an appointment now, I would consider the grooming for my dog a neccessary luxury!
Best luxury under £25: Knoops hot chocolate flakes.
If you'd like to contact Isabel, email [email protected]