Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Victoria Houghton: I have to admit this is difficult, especially as Hamilton & Inches is open seven days a week. I have worked hard to build a strong team who I trust and empower to enable me to separate work from my personal time. I have two young boys so juggling my work-life balance is always a challenge.
What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?
Every day is different, but I do find my boys help to distract me as we enjoy catching up over a family dinner.
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
I love running in the countryside as it really helps me switch off. I also enjoy yoga, which calms my mind.
What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
A book I’ve read recently and loved is Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, a memoir by the creator of Nike. It's a great story about how an ambition turned into an incredible business – such an amazing insight and so inspiring.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?
Being out in the countryside or by the sea. After a busy week at work, I like the calm of open spaces and beautiful scenery.
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
I like to clear my desk and to-list as best as I can on a Friday, if possible, otherwise I feel it plays on my mind all weekend. Knowing I've planned the week ahead helps me to relax.
Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?
I am just back from a few days away in Cornwall with my family. Sun, amazing sandy beaches and delicious seafood – it was a real treat to get away!
Your go-to Out of Office outfit: Jeans and a shirt with Blundstone boots, trainers, Birkenstocks or heels – depending on the state of the UK weather!
Your happy place anywhere in the world: Snowboarding in the mountains, aprés ski drinks and amazing views. After working in a ski resort pre-university, it always makes me feel free and ‘at home’.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: Heron in Leith, Edinburgh. This restaurant is well worth a visit, serving impressive seasonal flavours. The restaurant is fresh, understated, and elegant much like the food. The sourdough and crab butter is enough to get me to return!
Something cultural/sporting you booked recently that you'd recommend: The Ballet. My husband and I recently attended the Scottish Ballet to see Coppelia at Sadlers Wells and it was absolutely incredible.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: When travelling for work I enjoy listening to Desert Island Discs. I find the interviews so fascinating and always come away learning something and feeling inspired.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: I surprised myself last year by how much I enjoyed gardening and growing my own tomatoes, lettuce and herbs, so I’m keen to learn more. I went to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show this year and left feeling very motivated to get my gardening gloves on!
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: Jewellery! Even the simplest gold hoops help give me my identity and make me feel like I’m properly dressed.
Best luxury under £25: My weekend Financial Times subscription. Having the time to sit down and read a newspaper these days feels like a luxury. Needless to say, I don’t manage it every weekend!