Walpole Weekender

Out of Office: Luca Virgilio

In our Out of Office interview series, we speak to Walpole member executives at the top of their game about how they live their lives away from their desks – the habits that help them decompress, the activities that re-centre their minds, and the little luxuries that they can't live without. This week, it's the turn of General Manager of The Dorchester, Luca Virgilio...
15th Apr 2022
Walpole Weekender Out of Office: Luca Virgilio

In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?

This is a tricky one because I don’t really! A hotel is open 24/7, so work time often crosses over with personal time. However, I do ensure that when I’m not "at work" I dedicate a slot of time within that day to check in with everything that’s going on, and then the rest of the time is for me and my family.

What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?

I go for a walk. Hyde Park is just steps away from The Dorchester. I love to walk around the Serpentine and take in some fresh air.

What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre aftera stressful week?

When I’m away from the office, my time is for my family. This is hard at the moment as my wife and daughter are still in Rome, but I get back there to be with them when I can.

What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?

When I first started my career, I read a short book called The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which offers some great advice on simplicity in management style – too often we over-complicate things. It’s a book I’ve come back to time and time again throughout my career and I would recommend it to anyone in a leadership role.

After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?

The Dorchester is my home and office at the moment while I look for somewhere for me and my family to live in London. So when I need to be in a different space, I’ll often head to Little House, one of the Soho House properties nearby, as it’s an intimate place to switch off and relax.

On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?

I prepare for the week ahead on Sunday morning because I always function better at the start of the day. I’ll go through my emails and look through my diary for the week ahead in order to prepare a list of points that I need to discuss at each meeting. I do this religiously because it gives me clarity for the week.

Best reason you've had to turn your out of office on recently?

For my daughter’s 9th birthday. She’s always reprimanding me and my wife for being on our phones and working. We promised her that her birthday would be just for her. In fact, we promised her a "yes" day where her every request would be met – which turned out to be a lot of fun!

The OUT OF OFFICE hotlist


Your go-to out of office outfit: Replay Jeans and a Ralph Lauren sweater.

Your happy place anywhere in the world: I love returning to Dartmoor in Devon. I always feel a great sense of peace there as it’s where my grandparents used to live and where I spent every summer as a child.

Your favourite bar or restaurant: At the moment, I love Scott’s. The last thing I ordered there was the shellfish bisque to start, followed by the Dover sole.

Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. I’ve read it at least four times.

Hobby you'd like to cultivate: I quite fancy giving golf a go, although my wife and daughter would not be very happy if I headed off to the golf course in my already-limited spare time. Besides I’m too young to play golf really!

Luxury that’s actually a necessity: My watches.

Best luxury under £25: Socks.


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