
We need your help shaping Walpole’s future sustainability work

As COP27 draws to a close, Walpole's focus is firmly set on our future sustainability plan – but we need your help. Please answer our 'Sustainability in Luxury' survey, and your views will inform our ambitious agenda to make the UK a global leader in sustainability
14th Nov 2022
Sustainability We need your help shaping Walpole’s future sustainability work

Two years ago, Walpole launched its British Luxury Sustainability Manifesto with the ambition of helping the UK luxury sector become a global leader in sustainability. Now we need your input to move the project into its next phase by answering a few questions in the second Walpole-McKinsey 'Sustainability in Luxury' survey.

Created with the support of our long-standing strategic partner, McKinsey & Company, and with input from leaders across the luxury sector, the manifesto is built around four pillars and 12 aspirations which seek to protect the environment, promote circularity, guide suppliers to more sustainable business practises, and promote fair and equal working environments.

Since the launch, we have worked with over 150 Walpole members in our seven working groups to embed the strategy, manifesto and aspirations across the Walpole membership, helping to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future for the UK luxury sector. The level of support and collaboration that we have seen across the entire Walpole membership has been extensive and the progress made in all areas of the sustainability agenda is inspiring.

Now, as we move our sustainability strategy forward, we need your input to understand:

  • progress across the membership against Walpole’s 12 sustainability aspirations
  • members' current sustainability priorities
  • areas where Walpole may be able to offer support

The survey should take between 15-20 minutes to complete and is open until 30th November.

The answers will only ever be treated in aggregate and may require input from a number of team members. Responses will provide the insights we need to continue this important work and to support the whole UK luxury sector.

We are incredibly grateful for your input and support.

Click here to complete the survey.

If you would like more information on the sustainability strategy, please contact [email protected]

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