Benoit Soucaret

Group Creative Director
LiveArea EMEA

Benoit leads the creative and customer experience design team at LiveArea, curating world-class digital experiences across a variety of retail verticals.

Benoit leads the creative and customer experience design team, with experience in creating and curating world-class digital experiences across a variety of retail verticals, including health and beauty, fashion and luxury. He works strategically through the lens of the brand, and with creative, content, and technology teams, fuses the art and science of digital commerce.

Speaker Events

SKILLS SESSION: Seeking Harmony - Luxury Heritage Meets Digital Innovation with LiveArea

23rd Apr 2021
Lockdown closures, the absence of international tourism, and less-than-luxurious, mask-laden shopping experiences have compiled to alter the landscape of luxury retail. Luxury is shifting to digital at speed. Iconic labels must emulate the premium experiences they’ve created in-store, online.