Lorenzo has a 38-year history in the customs field - he began his working life in HM Customs & Excise (now HM Revenue & Customs) in the UK as an 18-year-old Officer and held both headquarters policy and operational roles. This provided him with the opportunity to understand the relationship between legislation, policy and the day to day operation and official control of businesses within the UK.
He left HMC&E and joined KPMG in the early 1990s where he spent 11 years in the Trade & Customs Practice providing advice and services to importers/exporters in terms of pure customs consultancy and also customs fraud prevention and counter investigation services. Lorenzo left KPMG in 2001 to become part of the leadership team of one of the largest customs duty management/reporting software houses in the UK. Here he was in charge of the process of designing and implementing customs declaration/customs duty management software within UK industry, including British heritage and luxury brands. The software was responsible for processing some 35% plus of all customs declarations submitted in the UK. This position allowed Lorenzo to develop a very deep and trusted relationship with HMRC Policy leads and he is still a very active member of the UK Joint Customs Consultative Committee working and sub groups – the UK Customs/Trade policy committees run by HMRC. He remained with the software provider for 19 years before returning to KPMG at the end of January 2020 to be part of the Trade & Customs team.