Walpole: What does your role entail, and how long have you been doing it?
François Dossa: I have been in my current role just over two years, with the goal of accelerating the JLR's strategic intent around clean mobility and connectivity. It's an exciting area of the business as it has a real focus on the future, on new and innovative ways to do business, on exploring the huge opportunities with our parent company Tata and on bringing sustainability into everything we do.
What’s your career background and what makes you passionate about what you do?
I have held several leadership positions within the automotive industry and investment banking, across both Europe and Latin America, with experience in developing sustainable value chains, circular economy, and digital ecosystems and services.
I am passionate about learning from NGOs to become a better citizen and human being. I founded two Institutes for Social Responsibility in Brazil, working in socially vulnerable communities to help young populations through education.
And being part of a big sustainability movement alongside the Tata group and companies across the globe. I am fascinated to see so many startups innovating for a better future. I am convinced that tech and AI can change the world and make it better and fairer.
Also contributing to the transformation of a company from a traditional sector into a tech, sustainable modern luxury mobility company. I love the challenge and I am convinced JLR can do it. From our journey to net zero by 2039 to engaging with communities in education projects and making a better company through strong D&I policy.
How has your sexuality and/or gender identity been a source of strength on your journey into your sector?
When I was young, my sexuality was a source of suffering. In the workplace I invented girlfriends to be like everyone else. It wasn’t until I reached 38 that I decided to be fully open about my sexuality and be who I really am.
When I first joined the automotive industry, I experienced a very traditional sector – male dominated, even in some ways homophobic. I had to keep strong, be proud of who I am, try not to listen to the jokes and comments.
After a time, I became an activist of any minority cause – gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, disability – because I want to make a difference. I want to be the role model in the company that I would have liked to have seen when I was young.
Have you ever faced negativity towards your sexual orientation within your career – and, if so, what effect did that experience have on you?
I have in the past and it is what makes me want to help drive change for others to not have to experience the same. I am now totally open about who I am, my life, my orientation, my husband - and in Britain and at JLR I am happy to say there hasn’t been negativity.
Do you think attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community have shifted in your time in the industry?
Yes, it has definitely shifted. In that time there have been dramatic changes in human rights legislation (at least in some countries), which helps change attitudes and protects us from discrimination. For example, laws around marriage and starting a family.
But – and there is a but - we need to be extremely vigilant. Things can change and go backwards. This is a journey where we must always be attentive. And some countries still have a long way to go.
What’s a significant obstacle for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace that you feel isn’t talked about enough - and why is it important to highlight?
For me it would have to be the glass ceiling. There is not enough LGBTQ+ representation in high-level managerial positions.
Is there any policy work that needs doing to evolve and ensure workplaces are more inclusive to LGBTQ+ people?
Yes, there almost certainly is. At JLR we have made great progress, but it must not stop here. The more exposed people are to diversity, the less they are afraid of it. And there is a difference between celebrating diversity and preventing discrimination. Inclusion is about making sure everyone has the same rights. One issue recently raised by our PRIDE committee, which applies to many companies, is access to parental leave. The same benefits should extend to gender diverse parents and same-sex partners, not only heterosexual mothers.
Is there a person in your industry or sector from the LGBTQ+ community who inspires you or has helped you on your journey?
I didn’t have this when I was young. That is why it’s so important to me to have this mission to inspire younger generations and to show them what is possible.
What career advice do you have for younger members of the LGBTQ+ community who are entering your industry?
My immediate response is to say be bold, be brave and become activists! But I realise not everyone can do this and each will be at a different stage in their personal journey. So first I would say accept yourself and be authentic to that because you are beautiful as you are.
What does Pride in the workplace mean to you?
It makes me think of the Pride network and my LGBTQ+ family, which today I feel extremely proud and privileged to be part of. I am Board co-sponsor of our company D&I strategy, alongside my colleague Barbara Bergmeier. Together we can help enable and facilitate ongoing growth and impact in this area. I would love to merge our 14 networks, because their causes can be similar.