"By 2025, 48% of global luxury shopping will be carried out by Chinese shoppers."
At last week's Walpole Future of British Luxury Summit at The Londoner, TONG Co-Founder Adam Knight discussed how brands can reach these consumers with his 'Five Key Things You Need To Know About China Right Now'.
1. Chinese luxury spending is being repatriated, perhaps irreversibly.
2. As barriers to purchase reduce, the face of Chinese luxury consumption is diversifying.
3. A new generation ofconsumer is rethinking themeaning of “Made in China” and what it means to be Chinese.
4. Having pioneered the concept of social commerce, China is now driving a content-commerce revolution.
5, Politics matter more now than at any point since China opened upto the world.
Please click here to read Adam's presentation in full.
TONG has delivered consumer strategy and solutions for over 100 global brands since 2014. Find out more: tongdigital.com; [email protected]; @tongglobal.