Walpole Weekender

Out of Office: Charlotte Keesing

In our Out of Office interview series, we speak to Walpole member executives at the top of their game about how they live their lives away from their desks – the habits that help them decompress, the activities that re-centre their minds, and the little luxuries that they can't live without. This week, it's the turn of Walpole Director Charlotte Keesing...
17th Jun 2022
Walpole Weekender Out of Office: Charlotte Keesing

In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?

At the height of lockdown in the midst of home-schooling, we made Friday night “Family Movie Night” to create some separation between the week and the weekend. It's something we've continued now life is back to normal and it's a really important way of marking the end of the busy work and school week. All tech goes off, we make supper together, our son selects the movie and we just have family time.

What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?

As a full-time working parent you don’t exactly get to unwind after work as it's straight into the evening routine, but I try to go for a walk or a quick bike ride in the evening if I can. Being out in nature is so good for the soul and we are lucky to live in a beautiful village surrounded by woods.

What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?

There are lots of things that help me relax after a stressful week. Family time is always great and helps keep things in perspective. I love to play tennis and spend time catching up with friends, but I also love going to a gallery or exhibition – just being lost in beautiful things.

What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?

Future Luxe by Erwan Rambourg and Peter Hinssen’s The Phoenix and the Unicorn I’m hoping we might get them to speak at the British Luxury Summit next year.

After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?

In the office we do joke that our second boardroom is one of our member hotels! However, my favourite third space is probably brunch with friends – usually at one of our member hotel restuarants or an al fresco spot with a view.

On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?

I confess I do work on a Sunday night, but for no-more than an hour. I try to quickly check through emails, scan the calendar and then make sure my husband and I have a “diary” so that we are aligned on what we are both doing that week and ensure everything is covered in terms of logistics. Our friends laugh at us as we both keep paper diaries (Smythson, naturally!) and Sunday night always involves a critical 30 minutes to go through the week ahead.

Best reason you've had to turn your out of office on recently?

A personal trip to Greenwich, Connecticut in the USA this past weekend to see a dear friend who moved there with work during the pandemic. It was a girls' weekend away with four of my closest friends. I absolutely love to travel, but this trip felt particularly special after these last couple of years - it was my first long-haul since the pandemic. Greenwich is beautiful and we also managed to squeeze in a day in Manhattan including a trip to MOMA and brunch at Le Mercerie.

The OUT OF OFFICE hotlist


Your go-to Out of Office outfit: almost certainly jeans

Your happy place anywhere in the world: Probably somewhere in Italy. I lived in Florence for six months after university and then our annual family holiday was always in the Val D’Orcia in Tuscany (a tiny village called Montisi where we were lucky enough to getting married). I also love Lake Como – there is something so special about the combination of the mountains and water that is so calming for the soul. But, really, anywhere with my husband and son is always a happy place for me.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: There is a little spot in Marylebone call Delamina where I went recently - the spiced cauliflower is amazing. It’s very local and relaxed. My go-to drink is always champagne.

Something you booked recently that you'd recommend: Raphael at the National Gallery is wonderful. There is a replica of frescos from the Papal apartments of an imaginary meeting of the Greek philosophers from the 5th and 6th centuries, the School of Athens, which are breath-taking and so thought-provoking. What would they have discussed had those great minds met in person?

Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: My husband bought me a subscription to Masterclass for Christmas and it’s been a brilliant present. I am naturally curious and love to learn. Masterclass has such a diverse cross section of topics with different experts – everything from leadership to motivation, from the science of sleep to interior design, cooking with Ottolenghi to film making with Jodie Foster.

Hobby you'd like to cultivate: I’d really love to learn to sail – I love being near or on the water. I’d also love to have singing lessons.

Luxury that’s actually a necessity: A Smythson 'Soho' diary

Best luxury under £25: Breakfast at Fortnum & Mason in Heathrow Terminal 5 before flying. It’s a moment of peace, the best of cup of tea and perfect boiled eggs – just a superb way to start a work trip or holiday.

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