Kathryn Sargent Founder, Kathryn Sargent Bespoke (above, centre)
"One piece of advice I received from a mentor was that when you're in a meeting, don’t just sit there being an observer – make sure you say something, no matter how uncomfortable it might feel at first. Use your voice, contribute and be heard. People will remember you. Make a meaningful impact."
Liz Darran Chief Brand & Creative Officer, Fortnum & Mason
"Keep your options open and your experience broad early on in your career - not only in terms of interest areas, but also in developing breadth of skill set. Do this until you find the thing that not only interests you deeply, but, crucially, that matches your skill set – and understand that the two are not always compatible. People talk a lot about finding your passion, but finding your passion and your area of expertise within it is a stellar combination."
Katie Goldblatt Executive Director, Rapport London
"Confidence is everything. Truly believe in yourself even when it’s tough. Learn as much as you can. Always ask questions. Create a vision and invest in relationships."
Carla Filmer Chief Marketing Officer, Manolo Blahnik (above, left)
"Say yes to everything at the beginning of your career and then learn to say no at the end."
Sharon Lillywhite Co-founder, Oliver Burns (above, right)
"Life is happening for you, not to you. Look for the gift in every situation."
Linda Plant Director of Strategic Relations, Edwardian Hotels
"A brilliant friend and author, Julia Hobsbawn, talked and wrote a lot about ‘the power of networks’. I’m not talking about networking as in cocktail parties, grabbing the first business card and then hounding that person, but about creating bonds with like-minded people because when you have those meaningful connections, they can lead to clever and creative outputs. She also made the point that networking as a ‘hard skill’ rather than a ‘soft skill’ can be a real advantage to an organisation. In building my network, I’ve made some amazing friends and contacts who inspire and fascinate me every day, and I’m truly thankful to Julia for her expansive thoughts around this subject."
Rachel Vosper Founder, Rachel Vosper
"A few weeks before the opening of my Belgravia shop, I had a moment of panic and called my mentor. He listened before saying, ‘Just get on with it’. It was the best advice I could have received and I live by it to this day. Tough mentor love is priceless."
Stella Gittins Co-founder and Group Director, Accouter Group of Companies
"'Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it’. These words of wisdom are on a Conor Brothers artwork hanging in our studio – and it says it all."
Stephanie Piechowiak Head of Corporate Relations, The British Museum
"Don’t underestimate what you are capable of and never lose your desire to learn. Those go hand-in-hand because without being open to growing your skills and knowledge, it’s much easier to doubt yourself. Knowing that you may not tick every box of a job that you are interested in shouldn’t prevent you from applying, because you can always learn what you lack. Spread your wings, look at all the opportunities, and explore what’s out there."
Helen Brocklebank CEO, Walpole
"Long before she became a Walpole Board Director, Sarah Sands – then Editor of the Evening Standard – said to me, ‘Your career is a marathon, not a sprint’. There’s a great deal of pressure to do everything before you’re 40, for some reason, but she pointed out that one has a good 25 years more to run, so don’t run out of steam before you’ve achieved your potential. Like a marathon, pace yourself, put the work in, don’t hit the wall; you’re not there to beat everyone else, but to get the best finish you possibly can."