My Life's Work

Clive Christian OBE, Creative Director, Clive Christian Holdings Ltd.

In this weekly series, we meet a senior Walpole member to discover what makes them tick, how they define success, and what keeps them awake at night. This week, Clive Christian OBE, Creative Director, Clive Christian Holdings Ltd.
29th Jan 2018
My Life's Work  Clive Christian OBE, Creative Director, Clive Christian Holdings Ltd.


Born in Scotland, educated in Cheshire and resident in London, Clive created from scratch two global luxury brands - Christians Furniture Company and Clive Christian Perfume Company. Having sold a majority shareholding in both, Clive still sits on the board as Creative Director, and is also looking for a challenging Non Executive role.

WHAT DOES BRITISH LUXURY MEAN TO YOU? Pride and patriotism - fly the flag.

WHAT’S YOUR VISION FOR CLIVE CHRISTIAN HOLDINGS? Continue to grow whilst always representing the best in class.

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT? Creating two successful global luxury brands in very different categories.

HOW DO YOU DEFINE SUCCESS? One example is being recognised with an OBE for Services to British Luxury Design.

WHAT’S YOUR GREATEST EXTRAVAGANCE? It used to be Concorde to New York - arriving before you take off - I miss it. WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? Coming up with an idea that makes a real difference. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR GREATEST REGRET? I followed Mark Twain’s advice -  “twenty years from now you will be more disappointed with the things you didn’t do than the things you did do” - so no regrets.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR SMARTEST BUSINESS IDEA? Making the move to live in New York to expand  the business in the USA - a necessary presence for a global brand.

WHAT WAS YOUR BIG BREAK? Transforming the public perception of a kitchen from that of a utility area to a glamorous entertaining space.

WHATS YOUR GUIDING PRINCIPLE? Trusting in my entrepreneurial instinct.


WHICH WORDS OR PHRASES DO YOU MOST OVER USE? Those of Eminem - “ You only get one shot, do not lose your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime."

WHAT KEEPS YOU AWAKE AT NIGHT? Fortunately my family are all well and happy - so nothing.

WHAT DO YOU MOST VALUE IN YOUR FRIENDS? Laughter happiness and shared memories.

IN A PARALLEL LIFE, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? Having flown helicopters and aeroplanes as a private pilot, I have always wondered how my life would have unfolded if it had become my vocation.


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