Out of Office

Stella Gittins shares her Out of Office essentials

In our Out of Office interview series, we speak to Walpole Member and Partner executives at the top of their game about how they live their lives away from their desks – the habits that help them decompress, the activities that re-centre their minds, and the little luxuries that they can't live without. This week, it's the turn of Stella Gittins, Co-Founder and Group Director of Accouter Group of Companies (AGC), Britain's first B Corp certified interior design collective.
21st Apr 2023
Out of Office Stella Gittins shares her Out of Office essentials

Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?

Stella Gittins: For me, 2023 was always going to be about creating structure for my personal time. Although work is a priority, setting time aside for family and wellness is key. My short-term goals were quite simple: to be able to pick up and drop off my daughter at school a few times per week and to make sure I get regular exercise, which always makes me feel good. I now have dedicated time for these each week. Those simple additions provide me with the balance I need to make sure I never feel guilty about how I am allocating my time.

What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?

For me, the key is to not wind myself up in the first place! Shooting for the magic 10,000 steps forces me to break the day into chunks and gives me clarity, which helps me to regain focus throughout the day. I finish the day by tucking my daughter into bed and quite often falling asleep there myself!

> View Accouter Group of Companies' Walpole Member profile here.

What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?

Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” This couldn’t resonate with me more. The working world, with its endless process and strategy and planning, always seems to make spontaneous innovation more of a challenge. So, at home, we’ve built a 'Creation Station’ which overlooks the garden. It’s disguised as an area for the 4-year-old in the house and the purpose is to draw, paint and make a mess; but really it’s designed for me. It's the perfect place to recentre, spend wholesome time with the family and be an artist again.

What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?

There's a reason why 75 million people have listened to Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk, Do Schools Kill Creativity?. Not only is it very funny, but there are also some great messages in there. If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. Educate somebody’s whole being and then identify their talents and create circumstances for them to show themselves.

At school we teach the people that will lead the world in 65 years time; and we don’t even know what 5 years from now looks like. Are we best to teach? Your people who are there in the moment are the ones who keep you relevant, so lead with their inspiration and don’t get left behind.

After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?

Without a doubt my veg patch and greenhouse which overlooks gorgeous farmland. This area catches the evening sun and is a perfect spot for an ice-cold glass of champers.

On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?

I think this is where I should say that I write my to-do list for the next day, but if I did that my mind would start racing at 100mph and I’d prefer to focus on sleeping. The truth is that I get my gym kit out for my Monday morning session along with my daughter’s school uniform to make the start to the week as seamless as possible. A week that starts active and organised is always going to be a good one.

Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?

Holiday! After a year-long house renovation, business growth and a B Corp certification to add the cherry on the cake, reset and sunshine in the Canary Islands was very welcome.


The OUT OF OFFICE hotlist:


Your go-to Out of Office outfit: Anything that goes with my shoe collection, which seems to be sponsored by Nike and New Balance. I heard a rumour that actual shoes are back in fashion and that sneakers are out, but my feet aren’t ready for that yet.

Your happy place anywhere in the world: Bellagio on Lake Como in Italy. Absolutely stunning and very happy memories.

Your favourite bar or restaurant: Strawberry Moon at The Goodtime Hotel in Miami, USA. Make sure you sample the Moon Bread and the Happy Dad Hard Seltzer (if you’re not driving).

Something cultural/sporting you booked recently that you'd recommend: I recently purchased ‘Art London’ by Hoxton Mini Press’ for my daughter. Together we plan to visit all 59 galleries in the book and for her to date each visit in the book as a keepsake. I’m making it my mission to gift her with the knowledge of where to see, make and buy great art.

Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: AGC’s Interior Insider podcast obviously!

A hobby you'd like to cultivate: My PT told me that I am a good rower, so now I think I’ve missed my Olympic calling. I’m going to get a rowing machine.

A luxury that’s actually a necessity: The Eufy robot vacuum cleaner! We’ve become close. You don’t know you need one until you have one.

Best luxury under £25: Anya Hindmarch’s Chubby Heart cake from the Anya Café on Pont Street near Sloane Square in London.


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