Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Ashley Highfied: I don’t look at work emails after I get home. If I’m needed, the team can WhatsApp or call me.
What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?
Play with my 18-month-old son before his bedtime.
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
Flying lessons. These involve 100% concentration, so I can’t think about work while I'm doing them!
> Read Ashley Highfield's interview for our Walpole Power List 2023.
What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
Start with Why by Simon Sinek, both the TEDx Talk and the book.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?
In the cockpit of an Oyster Yacht.
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
I have a quick look at my diary for week to come, plan my travel, but I try not get dragged into actual work if avoidable.
Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?
Paternity leave last year.
Your go-to Out of Office outfit: Stuff I don’t mind getting muddy - I live in the country.
Your happy place anywhere in the world: Onboard an Oyster Yacht somewhere warm!
Your favourite bar or restaurant: The fabulous, newly restored Control Room B at Battersea Power Station.
Something you booked recently that you'd recommend: Seeing 2:22 A Ghost Story with Cheryl this weekend - I’ll let you know!
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: My daughter created a bespoke vinyl album of my top ten all-time favourite tracks and designed the cover artwork based on a Kraftwerk album - hilarious and touching.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: I want to get my flying licence back this year. Stupidly, I let it lapse years back.
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: A reliable waterproof mechanical automatic wrist watch.
Best luxury under £25: You can still just about get a decent white burgundy for under £25 if you go to lesser known vineyards. Pernand Vergelesses is a good example.