Sustainability Stories

Freight Brokers' five million kg milestone

In early 2019 Walpole partner Freight Brokers decided to embrace a greener agenda. Since March 2019 they have been the only courier service in the world that can promise clients climate positivity at no extra cost
6th Oct 2021
Sustainability Stories Freight Brokers' five million kg milestone
Same Price. Same Service. No Carbon Footprint. 

Working with their partners, the United Nations and DHL, Walpole logisitics partner Freight Brokers is offsetting 125% of the carbon emissions that their deliveries generate by investing in projects in developing countries around the world. All these projects reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

Since March 2019 Freight Brokers has offset over 5 million kgs of carbon. The equivalent of neutralising the annual emissions of over 1,087,400 cars.

Click here to view all the Certified Emission Reductions that Freight Brokers has invested in and the important projects that they have helped.

Freight Brokers invites all Walpole members to join in this programme by visiting and registering directly with the United Nations to make the other areas of your business as sustainable as your shipping with Freight Brokers

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