In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Uwern Jong: This is something that I never used to be able to do. I’ve spent my working life as an ‘always-on’ person and, even today, I’m still that person who needs to clear the little red numbers in the circles on the Mail app on my phone. However, the pandemic taught me how to manage my work-life balance better. Working from home and not being able to travel, I had to clearly demarcate the line; and to appreciate what is truly ‘me-time’ much better than before. After things started to pick up again, I fully understood what a precious commodity that separation was.
While there are people in my life that will probably tell you that I still work too hard, I now understand that my emails are not moments of life and death; that leaving someone on ‘read’ isn’t the end of a friendship or working-relationship; that breakfast and lunch is not to be eaten in front of my laptop; and that tools-down means both physically and mentally.
Having lost my own instruction manual at some point in my career, I have in the last couple of years worked out how to switch my brain off! Call it mindfulness, if you like (understanding what is happening in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or trying to predict the future), but finding my own off-switch has done wonders for my well-being.
What’s one thing you do after the work day to help you unwind?
Nothing relaxes me more than cooking a meal, listening to some music with a glass of wine or a cocktail. And I turn into a kitchen-monster, no one is allowed in. It’s my space for an hour, all mine.
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
I plan to see friends and family, either out or in. As someone who travels for a living, I'm not always here in the country to be able to socialise with my friends and catch-up on their lives, so finding time to do it is a gift.
Oh, and sleep! I adore sleep. Some people enjoy watching movies to relax. I enjoy watching dreams.
What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
During the pandemic, we created a campaign called #KeepYourMindTravelling as part of our 'good news-paper', The Experientialist. It was all about channeling the positivity and resilience of the travel industry and bringing that to our readers and developing greater mindfulness and promoting positive mental health. While editing that, I discovered that global wellness and hospitality brand Six Senses ran an inspiring blog called At Home with Six Senses, which tells amazing stories all about mindfulness, reconnection and wellbeing.
Read OutThere's Walpole member profile here.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?
I would love to say it was the gym, but that’s a blatant lie – it is my third space, but it’s far from my favourite! My favourite ‘other' space is definitely on a plane going somewhere lovely (lying flat if possible!).
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
I try my hardest not to think about it. Come what may, we can deal with that on Monday.
Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?
To take an actual holiday. Contrary to popular belief (and the type of lifestyle my Instagram may lead people to believe I have), I travel for work. Yes it’s fabulous work, but it is work nevertheless. However, I recently spent two weeks in paradise in the Maldives, doing absolutely nothing, which I never thought I could do. I’m someone who is always on the go when I travel; my curiousity as a storyteller gets the better of me and I start to itch after sitting still for too long. But for 14 days, my biggest decision was whether I was going to have a big breakfast or a big lunch. Both my laptop and phone ran completely out of battery and I didn’t care to charge them up in a hurry. I came back a different person, so much more chilled and ready for what lies ahead.
Your go-to Out of Office outfit: Shorts! (Swimwear, preferably).
Your happy place anywhere in the world: Thailand (in swimwear!).
Your favourite bar or restaurant: My mother’s kitchen. It’s been three years since I’ve set foot in it. My parents live in Malaysia, so the pandemic has kept us apart. It’ll be just a few weeks until I see them again, and right now I’d settle for literally anything she's making.
Something cultural/sporting you booked recently that you'd recommend: I went to see My Neighbor Totoro at the Barbican in London. One of the most charming pieces of theatre I’ve ever witnessed.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: The Winter Issue of OutThere magazine that takes you to Malta and beyond, of course!
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: Whisky collecting (you know I mean drinking!).
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: A holiday, as often as possible.
Best luxury under £25: A 30ml, travel size pot of The Seated Queen's cold cream mask. It’s a self-facial that’s my little bit of pampering when I’m on the road. Less selfishly, a donation, however small, to an LGBTQ+ charity that does great work to make the world more inclusive for people in my community.