Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Alice Bastin: When I stop working and give my mind time to wonder is when I get most creative, which can make it a struggle to separate the two at times. Living in a city like London there is so much to inspire you and flip your mind back into design and marketing mode. When I'm out of the office, I have to choose activities without a cross-over to really switch off. I think striking the balance will always be a work in progress and naturally influenced by the task at hand.
What’s one thing you do after the workday to help you unwind?
I love to swim; I find it helps me to unravel the day. Workdays are so fast-paced with back-to-back meetings, a week has flown by before you know it. I love how slow time is when I’m in the pool – I really enjoy any moment when I’m hyper aware of time moving slowly. It feels like a luxury, somehow, to have this slight feeling of boredom as I go up and down the lanes and look at the clock watching time feel like it is finally standing still.
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
I love taking long bike rides; getting out in nature is the biggest stress reliever for me. There is a good hill in Finsbury Park that you can get a lot of speed up on – hard to find in London!
What’s something you’ve read, listened to or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
I enjoy inspirational talks. TikTok is a manageable way to digest business and marketing topics. I came across a clip of Steve Jobs talking through Apple’s ‘Think Different’ campaign from 1997 that was so inspiring. To think of the trajectory the brand has had, it’s very motivational the see the foundations the team laid back then to get to where it is now. This type of nostalgic content inspires me as it allows you to think 5 to 10 years into the future for a brand.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite third space?
It's Third Space – the health club in London! Two of my closest friends are also members so we combine social time with looking after ourselves. Friday nights we chill in the spa and download on our weeks. I must admit, of late, I’ve spent more time on my laptop working in the social area, than actually working out!
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
I travel regularly with work, so on Sunday evenings I try to pack for the week ahead to get myself off to a good start. It's always a better week if I've had time to pack the small things that make being in a hotel feel more homely, like my latest book and lavender pillow spray. My workdays are spent collaborating with colleagues in meetings, and focus time is scarce, so I have to be very intentional about what my objectives are for the week. There are always a few key pressing deadlines. I like to strategise and always feel very optimistic about what can be accomplished once a plan is in place.
Best reason you've had to turn your Out of Office on recently?
Well, the next Out of Office message is long overdue, but it was great to switch it on when I took a trip to Lanzarote at the end of last year with my Mum. I left all work tech at home – not even a notebook in sight – and totally switched off. The volcanic landscapes were so majestic and captivating. I’m either all-in or all-out, so once I’ve made the decision to leave my work phone at home it allows me to be in the moment and enjoy life and the person I am away from work.
Your go-to Out of Office outfit: When I’m out of the office my default is always sportwear. I like to keep things simple.
Your happy place anywhere in the world: There is a bike route in Oxfordshire called the Phoenix Trail that I have cycled many times since I was a child. There is a lovely point about seven miles in, after a steam train railway crossing, where you can't see any civilisation. My favourite moments in nature are finding places where it feels like the rest of the world has disappeared.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: For a special occasion, I love The Parlour at The Ned. The energy is great, and the entertainment is beautiful. I’m a steak lover, so that’s my go-to order.
Something cultural or sporting you booked recently that you'd recommend: I was in New York a few weeks ago and spent the afternoon in the MoMA. There's currently a project on a huge screen featuring digital art on loops – it was super relaxing to sit and take it in.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend: I love a crime book. Recently I’ve been reading Jessie Keane's Dirty Game, set in the East End of London. It’s a pretty easy read which makes a chapter to unwind very do-able. I enjoy being shifted to a different world.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: I’ve been thinking for a few years how much I’d love to do a woodwork or ceramic course. I sort of manifested the ceramics part into reality with Wedgwood, so I'll cover the carpentry course in my spare time!
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Muscle Bath and Shower Oil knocks me out for a great night's sleep.
Best luxury under £25: Charbonnel et Walker Milk Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Truffles. Delightful!