Walpole: In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?
Steve Adams: With great difficulty. Having recently moved to within walking distance of the James Cropper mill and our main manufacturing site, work never seems to be that far away – digitally or physically. The key for me is to ensure that I can fill my non-work time productively. My wife is very good at planning, be it as simple as walking into town together or going to the cinema, a music event or out for a meal.
What’s one thing you do after the workday to help you unwind?
I do try not to leave too late in the evening so that I have time to switch off before going to bed. My evening will typically be a meal and then grazing the TV channels and news. I tend not to watch full programmes but just absorb snippets. Then to bed, where I read for a while.
What activity do you do in your time away from the office that helps you relax and recentre after a stressful week?
I like to keep fit and active, so whenever possible, I get out for a long walk in the fells. Being blessed to work and live in the Lake District, I am a fair(ish) weather walker and I so enjoy the far reaching 360-degree views from my favourite peaks. Having a big view into the far distance from height is, for me, a spiritual and uplifting experience that never wanes.
What’s something you’ve read, listened to, or seen in your spare time that’s helped you at work?
I happened to stumble across a TV programme called It's Showtime! about eight friends from Darlington who bought a racehorse which they named Showtime Mahomes. The subtext to the programme was about the bond developed between them and their ability to talk openly to each other about their private stresses and challenges. It struck a chord with me; behind every person, whether it be an employee, supplier, partner, client or someone in the community, there is a backstory that I want to hear. For generations, James Cropper has prized itself on its deep and enduring partnerships with people, and that’s so important, particularly with our employees. It's our people that set us apart.
After home and the office, where’s your favourite ‘third space’?
It would have to be our, albeit far too infrequent, visits to see my grown daughters who are both working and living in the south of the UK. Although WhatsApp and Facebook are great for keeping in touch, it’s not the same as physically being together and catching up.
On Sunday night, how do you prepare yourself for the week ahead?
I typically use Sunday evening to clear any unread emails, to read and to plan my week around upcoming appointments. I like to have a clear view of the coming week to be able to manage deadlines, allowing contingency for new or unforeseen events. Every week at James Cropper is an interesting one and things can change. We are and always have been pioneers leading the way in manufacturing materials since 1845. It makes coming to work very exciting!
Best reason you've had to turn your out of office on recently?
A long weekend with my wife, the most important person in my life. We went skiiing in the French Alps to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. Somewhat alarming was the lack of snow and the fact that I had not skied since before Covid, but this was more than made up for with a hammam, some good food and fine wine!
Your go-to out of office outfit: Brown leather shoes, smart jeans, a crisp, tailored shirt and lightweight jacket. One outfit - any occasion!
Your happy place anywhere in the world: Sailing in Greece, especially around Hydra and Spetses. A favourite, familiar place where I could quite easily settle.
Your favourite bar or restaurant: We are absolutely spoilt for choice for fine dining in the Lake District - 15 Michelin stars across 13 restaurants. My special treat place has to be Rogan & Co. in the beautiful Cartmel village. Anything off the menu!
Something cultural you booked recently that you'd recommend and why: I recently went to see the Cavalleria rusticana / Aleko double bill at Opera North in Leeds. Since moving north and further from London, these cultural events had dropped off the radar somewhat, so it was great to re-engage. And what a great venue in a great city! A thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Something you've listened to or read recently that you'd recommend and why: The Magus by John Fowles. A challenging read but quite a literary journey.
A hobby you'd like to cultivate: Dry stone walling. I know – you'd have to come to the Lake District to understand!
A luxury that’s actually a necessity: My ROKA Finchley rucksack. For walking, short business trips or weekend visits.
Best luxury under £25: My electric corkscrew. What a gamechanger.